Примерно неделю назад Александр Ершов - любитель новых технологий и двигатель прогресса в нашей команде - опубликовал статью на Хабре о том, как он интегрировал 3D-мышь в Renga. Для тех, кто еще не читал эту статью, но как Александр интересуется новыми технологиями, публикуем его статью в нашем блоге.

// Mouse 3D stuff
#include <spwmacro.h> /* Common macros used by SpaceWare functions. */
#include <si.h> /* Required for any SpaceWare support within an app.*/
#include <siapp.h> /* Required for siapp.lib symbols */
#include "virtualkeys.hpp"
bool init3DMouse()
SiOpenData oData;
/*init the SpaceWare input library */
if (SiInitialize() == SPW_DLL_LOAD_ERROR)
return false;
SiOpenWinInit(&oData, (HWND)winId()); /* init Win. platform specific data */
SiSetUiMode(mouse3DHandle, SI_UI_ALL_CONTROLS); /* Config SoftButton Win Display */
/* open data, which will check for device type and return the device handle
to be used by this function */
if ( (mouse3DHandle = SiOpen ("HabrahabrAnd3DMouse", SI_ANY_DEVICE, SI_NO_MASK, SI_EVENT, &oData)) == NULL)
SiTerminate(); /* called to shut down the SpaceWare input library */
return false; /* could not open device */
return true; /* opened device succesfully */
typedef struct /* 3DxWare event */
int type; /* Event type */
SiSpwData spwData; /* Button, motion, or combo data */
SiSpwOOB spwOOB; /* Out of band message */
SiOrientation spwOrientation; /* Which hand orientation is the device */
char exData[SI_MAXBUF]; /* Exception data. Driver use only */
SiKeyboardData spwKeyData; /* String for keyboard data */
SiSyncPacket siSyncPacket; /* GUI SyncPacket sent to applications */
SiHWButtonData hwButtonEvent; /* V3DKey that goes with *
SiAppCommandData appCommandData; /* Application command event function data that *
* goes with an SI_APP_EVENT event */
SiDeviceChangeEventData deviceChangeEventData; /* Data for connecting/disconnecting devices */
SiCmdEventData cmdEventData; /* V3DCMD_* function data that *
* goes with an SI_CMD_EVENT event */
} u;
} SiSpwEvent;
Наша задача отфильтровать сообщения от мышки. Для этого установим наш класс в качестве фильтра событий. Отнаследуемся от QAbstractNativeEventFilter и переопределим функцию nativeEventFilter:
bool HabrahabrAnd3DMouse::nativeEventFilter(const QByteArray &eventType, void *msg, long *)
return false;
MSG* winMSG = (MSG*)msg;
bool handled = SPW_FALSE;
SiSpwEvent Event; /* SpaceWare Event */
SiGetEventData EData; /* SpaceWare Event Data */
/* init Window platform specific data for a call to SiGetEvent */
SiGetEventWinInit(&EData, winMSG->message, winMSG->wParam, winMSG->lParam);
/* check whether msg was a 3D mouse event and process it */
if (SiGetEvent (mouse3DHandle, SI_AVERAGE_EVENTS, &EData, &Event) == SI_IS_EVENT)
if (Event.type == SI_MOTION_EVENT)
qDebug() << "delta by X coordinate = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_TX] << "\n";
qDebug() << "delta by Y coordinate = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_TY] << "\n";
qDebug() << "delta by Z coordinate = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_TZ] << "\n";
qDebug() << "delta by Yaw = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_RX] << "\n";
qDebug() << "delta by Pitch = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_RY] << "\n";
qDebug() << "delta by Roll = " << Event.u.spwData.mData[SI_RZ] << "\n";
else if (Event.type == SI_ZERO_EVENT)
// ZERO event
else if (Event.type == SI_BUTTON_EVENT)
// misc button events
handled = SPW_TRUE; /* 3D mouse event handled */
return handled;
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